The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Fulfillment By Amazon

Scale your Amazon business, sell the right FBA products, and avoid common mistakes.


What's in the ebook?

This free, 27-page ebook will teach you everything you need to know about strategic selling with Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA).

You'll learn:

  1. What is Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA)? 
  2. Why FBA Means More Money In Your Pocket
  3. The 2 Secrets of Smart FBA Sellers
  4. The Amazon FBA Profit Cycle
  • Step 1: Where's the Profit? Identifying the brands and suppliers that drive 80% of your profits
  • Step 2: Source New Products. A checklist for evaluating exactly which SKUs to buy and what to scrap.
  • Step 3: Price it Right. The 3 most common mistakes sellers make with repricing software.
  • Step 4: Review, Restock, Repeat.


Download the Ebook

Teikametrics clients who use the principles in this ebook


A Preview of What's Covered

  • The 4 key steps you must follow to succeed with FBA
  • Why you need to target Prime subscribers
  • What types of products do and don't work for FBA
  • Why FBA fees means more money in your pocket
  • Why managing inventory is like investing in the stock market
  • What the 80/20 rule means for optimizing your business
  • Exactly how to evaluate which new SKUs you should be carrying, but aren't
  • Why most FBA sellers see an immediate 20% lift in sales
  • The mistake with repricing software you're making

Grab the complete strategy guide.