Flywheel 2.0 Customer Growth Series: Amazon Inventory Strategies for Q4

Proper inventory management for Amazon is more important than ever this Q4. With multiple sale events so close together, and the potential for further pandemic-related impacts to fulfillment, a miscalculation now will cost you dearly during this all-important time of year. Join Teikametrics CEO Alasdair McLean-Foreman and Principal Product Manager Praveen Kommu as they hold a deep discussion with industry-leading sellers on critical metrics to track, how they are getting their inventory operations ready for Q4, and aligning your inventory strategy with other aspects of your Amazon presence.

Here's What We'll Cover:

  • Common inventory inefficiencies brands face in uncertain times
  • Risks and opportunities associated with an unusual Q4, and choices that will impact Q1
  • Amazon's Inventory Performance Index and brand perspectives on using that metric effectively
  • How to calculate Inventory Turn Ratio and how brands understand it's impact on the bottom line


1 Hour,

Your hosts

andrew waber

Andrew Waber Director of Insights, Teikametrics

Access the Recorded Webinar